Digamber Jain Mandir Nirman- Update

Jai Jinendra,

With the Aashirvad of Dev, Shastra & Guru and with the support of the Melbourne Jain Community, DJSM is pleased to announce that the plan to have the first ever Digamber Jain Mandirji in Melbourne, Australia have been commenced.

Following our last update, DJSM Committee is pleased to advise the progress on the tasks that is getting undertaken to achieve the dream of the First ever Digamber Jain MandirJi in Melbourne.


Project Status: 
On Track

Phase 1 - Mandir Ji Land Procurement
Land Precured on August 17, 2020.
Phase 2 - Land Preparedness
Reticulated Sewer Connection

Project Details

As part of the phase 2 of this project, following tasks are in progress:

1. Reticulated Sewer Connection:

The property needs to be connected to the sewer to utilize for our community gatherings. The estimated cost for this project is AUD 100,000.


To cover some of the cost, We have applied for “Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund” provided by the government. As part of this, we have successfully received a grant of AUD 53,555 which will cover about 50% of the total cost involved for this activity.


Please find below the report on the status::

 “The works started on 14th May 2021 where we engaged the SEW Accredited Designer. The application for works was lodged with SEW on 18th May 2021 which was approved. Surveyor works required for Design has been completed and overall Design phase is completed as well. Currently, contractor tendering in progress from 21st Sep 2021. Soon, we will engage with contractor as we receive the quotations. There has a bit of delay with the Design works due to COVID restrictions, but project is on track to finish before end of year 2021”


2. Property Fencing:

The fencing on the property needs replacement. We are working with the neighbors and are getting some quotes to complete this activity.

Please feel free to contact the DJSM committee by dropping an email at info@djsm.org.au or by connection with any of the committee member in case further details are required for any step of this project.

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