दशलक्षण का आठवाँ पर्व – उत्तम त्याग

Day 8: Uttam Tyaag

This day celebrates Uttam Tyaag meaning Supreme Renunciation

त्याग– पात्र को ज्ञान, अभय, आहार, औषधि आदि सद्वस्तु देना।


दान चार परकार, चार सन्घ को दीजिए ।

धन बिजुली उनहार, नर-भव लाहो लीजिए ॥

उत्तम त्याग कह्यो जग सारा, औषध शास्त्र अभय आहारा ।

निहचै राग-द्वेष निरवारै, ग्याता दोनों दान संभारै ॥

दोनों सम्भारै कूप-जलसम, दरब घर में परिनया ।

निज हाथ दीजे साथ लीजे, खाय खोया बह गया ॥

धनि साधु शास्त्र अभय-दिवैया, त्याग राग विरोध को ।

बिन दान श्रावक साधु दोनों, लहैं नाहीं बोध को ॥


Renunciation which is of four kinds should be given to the four Sanghs as this wealth is as temporary as lightening and we must utilize our human birth . Renunciation is accepted as supreme by the whole world. Donation is of four kind Medicine, Knowledge, Life and Food. In reality the actual daan(donation) is giving up ones raag and dwesh (affection and hatred), a wise person performs both kind of daan. Just the way the water in the well keeps on getting refilled on being emptied, similarly the more daan you do the more wealth comes as result of your good deed. Whatever daan you do is the actual wealth that goes with you after your life, the remaining that you spent on your luxuries goes waste.

Those sages are great who do the knowledge and life renunciation and with they also leave their Raag and dwesh. Without the renunciation neither the Shraavak nor the Sage achieve the supreme knowledge.


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