दशलक्षण का सातवाँ पर्व – उत्तम तप

Day 7:  Uttam Tap

This day celebrates Uttam Tap meaning Supreme Austerity.

तप– मलीन वृत्तियों को दूर करने के लिए जो बल चाहिए, उसके लिए तपस्या करना।


तप चाहें सुरराय, करम-शिखर को वज्र है ।

द्वादशविधि सुखदाय, क्यों न करै निज सकति सम ॥

उत्तम तप सबमाहिं बखाना, करम शैल को वज्र-समाना ।

बस्यो अनादि-निगोद मन्झारा, भू-विकलत्रय-पशु-तन धारा ।

धारा मनुज तन महादुर्लभ, सुकुल आयु निरोगता ।

श्रीजैनवानी तत्वग्यानी, भई विषय-पयोगता ।।

अति महादुर्लभ त्याग विषय, कषाय जो तप आदरैं ।

नर-भव अनूपम कनक घर पर मणिमयी कलसा धरैं ॥


Even the king of Devtaas wish to achieve supreme austerity as it is like a Vajraa (a weapon) to break the mountain of the Karma. This supreme Austerity has twelve types. And since this Austerity brings uncomparable happiness to life then why shouldn’t we all practise and achieve this supreme austerity.

In all the works Tap(Austerity) has been called the best as it acts like a weapon which could demolish even the mountain of Karma.

In the beginning we were in the Nigoda and faced lot of pains, somehow we got through it and took birth in 2,3,4 sensed body and also among 5 sensed animals. After going thorugh all the pains and suffering in all these bodies by great luck we have got birth in the human body which is extremely rare. We have also got good society and long life as well as good health. Apart from all these we have found the extremely important thing in form of Jinvaani (Holy books) and also the capability to understand them. We also by fortune have the interest to understand the reality.

If we could leave all the raag, vishay and kashaay and achieve the supreme austerity, it would be like putting a crown of diamond over the golden house !!


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