दशलक्षण का दसवां पर्व – उत्तम

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आज का दिन उत्तम ब्रह्मचर्य  के रूप में मनाया जाता है

Day 10: Uttam Brahmacharya

This day celebrates Uttam Brahmacharya meaning Supreme Chastity

ब्रह्मचर्य – सद्गुणों का अभ्यास करना और अपने को पवित्र रखना।


शील-बाढ नौ राख, ब्रह्म-भाव अन्तर लखो ।
करि दोनों अभिलाख, करहु सफ़ल नरभव सदा ॥
उत्तम ब्रह्मचर्य मन आनौ, माता-बहिन-सुता पहिचानौ ।
सहैं वान-वरषा बहु सूरे, टिकैं न नैन-वान लखि कूरे ॥
कूरे तिया के अशुचि तन में, काम-रोगी रति करैं ।
बहु म्रुतक सडहिं मसान माहीं, काग ज्यों चोंचैं भरैं ॥
संसार में विषबेलनारी, तजि गये जोगीश्वरा ।
’द्यानत’ धरम दशपैंडि चढि कैं, शिवमहल में पग धरा ॥


Brahmcharya is achieved externally by the fence of Sheel(piety or modesty)which is of nine type and internally by meditating (By achieving Samyaktva). We must hope to accomplish complete Brahmacharya and make our human life successful. We all should attain brahmacharya and look at other women as Mother, Sister and daughter (as per their age).
Even the greatest of warriors who can face the arrows of iron in the war bravely becomes helpless in front of the arrows of the eyes of a woman. A person who doesn’t have control on his feelings and full of lust, enjoys in the body of women as the crow enjoys the dead body in the cemetery. What the poet want to convey is that lust toward the body of other gender is very bad and we must get rid of it.
This lust is like a poisonous plant that keeps on growning and covering us in its grip. All the gods got rid of it to attain the salvation. Kavivar Dyanat Raaya ji says we all must climb the ten step ladder of the dashlakshan dharm and step into the Moksha(Salvation)


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